Maliki to Iraq: I'm not leaving

  • 10 years ago
In Baghdad, a show of support for embattled Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

The President has invited the Shi'ite coalition's nominee for prime minister Haider al Abadi to form a new government, in Maliki's stead.

But Maliki isn't going quietly.

As prime minister for the past eight years, he says nothing's final until the supreme court rules on his legal appeal to stay in power.


"We will proceed in this government; it continues and will not be stopped, and will not be changed except after the Federal Court issues its decision."

But it's his successor, Haider al Abadi, who's seen as the man to pull the country out of the current turmoil.

Maliki rose to power during the American occupation of Iraq but the White House, too, says it's had enough of him.

It welcomes an Abadi government and says Maliki must let the political process move forward.

White House Deputy National Security