Iraq's president taps al-Abadi to be new prime minister

  • 10 years ago
Iraq's president has named Haider al-Abadi... as the new prime minister replacing Nuri al Maliki.

Maliki... in the post since 2006, has been asked by the U-S and Iran to go quietly.

Abadi's top job in the new post is to form a government to stem the fighting that's raging across northern Iraq, as the fundamentalist group known as Islamic State

moves from town to town, driving tens of thousands from their homes. The group wants to establish an Islamic caliphate in the region.


Kurdish fighters are putting up resistance..


While in Baghdad, Abadi is calling for unity against the group.


" I have confidence that with the people and political blocs we would be able to overcome this barbaric and savage attack on the Iraqi people and provide a good environment for the Iraqi people to live in." (1197)

But in the north of Iraq that environment seems a long way off, as Islamic