Makgeolli Rice Wine Ep01 Makgeolli, a spirit that helps the health

Arirang TV

: Arirang TV

48 조회
Part 1 : Makgeolli, a spirit that helps the health
A very special party takes place in a garden in Pocheon, where alcohol is being fermented. It’s a makgeolli party, featuring Korea’s best makgeolli of every flavor and aroma. With makgeolli lovers in one place, it’s the perfect time to listen to six exciting stories about Korea’s oldest traditional liquor.
Makgeolli is the oldest alcoholic beverage in Korea. In the past, it was enjoyed by farmers who grew rice in the fields. Makgeolli gave them the strength to bear the hardships of farm life, filled their empty stomachs, and comforted their souls.
A village in Chungju in Chungcheongbuk-do Province is known as “Jangsu Village,” or “Longevity Village,” for its high population of senior citizens in their 80s or older. Nam Geum-ju, one of the residents, is 94, but still has amazing health and energy. Everyone here says that the secret to their long life is the makgeolli that they always have with their meals.
Is makgeolli really good for health? There are a number of published studies about the benefits of makgeolli, which is rich in lactic acid bacteria, enzymes, proteins, and vitamins. Makgeolli has been proven to strengthen the immune system, protect against cancer, infections, and aging, and contribute to skin care.
What’s most amazing is that all of these beneficial substances found in makgeolli are naturally produced during the noisy, bubbly fermentation process. Rice, nuruk, and time come together to form Korea’s unique liquor, makgeolli. It is a precious drink that has guarded Koreans through their ups and downs, and is the epitome of healthful fermentation. Learn more about makgeolli’s strength here.

1부) 건강에 도움이 되는 술, 막걸리
술이 익어가는 포천의 한 정원에서 아주 특별한 파티가 열렸다.
바로 저마다의 맛과 향이 독특한 한국의 대표적인 막걸리들이 총출동한 이색적인 막걸리파티! 막걸리를 사랑하는 사람들이 한 자리에 모인 가운데 무궁무진 다채로운 얼굴을 가진 막걸리의 흥미진진한 6가지 이야기가 펼쳐진다.
막걸리는 예로부터 벼농사를 주로 지어왔던 우리 민족들이 즐겨 마셔온 가장 오래된 술이다. 고된 농사일을 견디게 해주는 농주이자, 주린 배를 채워주는 고마운 양식이자 고단한 삶의 애환을 달래주는 힘이 되는 술이 바로 막걸리였다. 충청북도 충주