Sherpa-Simplify Your Life with a Personal Concierge

  • 10 years ago 1 (888) 810-8820. Your solution to reduce daily hassles, simplify life, and have more fun! Want help with your list? Every day, you do so much for work, friends, family, home. Doesn't it seem like the “to do” items never end, despite having everything at your fingertips with a smartphone or tablet? Why not hand some things off to someone you can trust – your personal SherpaGuide at Sherpa. You've probably used a concierge at a hotel when you've been away; now you can have one for every day. Sherpa is so much more than just a luxury for vacations or a toll-free number with an answering service. Sherpa provides you with a dedicated SherpaGuide who gets to know you and what you want. You can talk on the phone, e-mail, or text your SherpaGuide. Your SherpaGuide even lets you know about things going on around town. Keep doing the things you love, but lose the tasks you don't.
Produced by Corp Shorts Video Productions, LA
