Grumpy Cat frowns upon New York City

  • 10 years ago
Animal celebrity Grumpy Cat, who rose to fame on YouTube, was in New York City on Thursday August 7th to promote her latest book.

Fans of the perpetually underwhelmed feline wore t-shirts bearing catchphrases such as 'I had fun once - it was awful'.

And she sat stoically by while some gushed over her grimace.

SOUNDBITE: Chris, fan, saying (English):

"She's so adorable looking and grumpy all the time."

SOUNDBITE: Judy, fan, saying (English):

"I tried to have a grumpy face, but you can't because when you look at Grumpy Cat... so beautiful and so laid back and so calm and special, you just have to smile."

The fed-up feline's first book spent 10 weeks on the New York Times best-seller list.

She's now on a promotional tour of North America to promote her follow-up 'The Grumpy Guide to Life'.

Even if she's still not smiling, perhaps her owners are.