Most Penis Enlargement, GPS Penis Runner, Sexfit Penis Pedometer DD Video

  • 10 years ago
Claire Wyckoff's Nike+ Penis Doodles
A woman uses her fitness-tracking app to draw dicks and gets the Most Awesome Person in the Universe award. Claire Wyckoff has been posting her legwork online and showcasing all the schmeckles she makes by running a cock-shaped route. She also draws other stuff, but the schlong routes win the race by far. What race? The penis doodle for fun race.
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Germans Lead World In Penis Enlargement Surgery
The Germans are coming! Actually, they may not be coming -- but they are definitely growing. Thanks to a study by the Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we now know that Germany is the country that gets the most penoplasty procedures... by a landslide. A landslide of penis. 
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SexFit Is A Pedometer For Your Penis
Thanks to UK adult retailer Bodara, now you can track your love thrusts like an athlete. The new SexFit goes on your nether regions and records thrusts while calculating calories burned. So you can better reach your goals and improve your times during your next, uh, workout. Also, penis.
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