Ebola deaths rise in West Africa as WHO meets to assess epidemic

  • 10 years ago
Airport officials in Nigeria have been using laser thermometers to screen passengers as the deadly Ebola virus continues to claim victims.

Over 930 people have now died as West African Nations, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone struggle to cope with the outbreak.

Liberia where the death toll is rising fastest has declared a state of emergency and together with Sierra Leone has deployed troops to guarantee quarantine zones.

An experimental drug which might be effective in the fight against the highly contagious disease has sparked questions whether its development should be fast-tracked.

US President Barrack Obama spoke at the end of an African leaders summit in Washington.

“I think we have to let the science guide us. I don’t think all the information is in as to whether this drug is helpful. What we do know is that Ebola virus – both currently and in the past – is controllable if you have a strong public health infra-structure in place.”

In Switzerland the World Health Organisation (WHO)is holding a two-day meeting to judge whether the Ebola epidemic constitutes an international emergency.

Meanwhile Spain has agreed to accept Europe’s first confirmed case of Ebola. Spanish priest Miguel Pajares (75) tested positive for the virus while working as a missionary in a Liberian hospital.

A medically-equipped military jet was sent to Liberia to repatriate him. He is being treated in Madrid’s Carlos III hospital in a specially prepared isolation ward.


