Baroness Warsi resigns over UK Gaza stance

  • 10 years ago
Britain’s senior Foreign Office minister Baroness Warsi has resigned over her governments stance on Gaza.

In a letter to Prime Minister David Cameron, Warsi lambasted the UK’s position as ‘morally indefensible’.

She has since called for an arms embargo against Israel.

The UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osbourne, was quick to speak out against her decision:

“I think this is a disappointing and frankly unnecessary decision, the British government is working with others in the world to bring peace to Gaza and we do have now a tentative ceasefire, which of course we all hope we hold.”

But Labour leader Ed Miliband has welcomed her move, criticising the Prime Minister for not taking a tougher stance on Israel in light of recent fighting.

Baroness Warsi was the first female Muslim in the UK to take part in cabinet meetings, after she was made Conservative party co-chair in 2010. But just two years later she lost that post during a government reshuffle.


