Why Is Jacqueline Fernandez Confused ?

  • 10 years ago
Jacqueline Fernandez might have swayed you up with her sensational share in Salman Khan’s Kick but guess what? Here’s an even exciting share that further gets into her bedroom and cooks up a real act of sex and food! Oh-My-God! what? Are we here to talk about her sex life? Well, surprise, surprise! Here’s what she said peeps…..Coming from one of her recent media interactions, Jacqueline juggled that if at all she’s ever asked to take a pick between sex and food, she can never settle for one! She says, if sex is for fun and reproduction, food is for survival….so picking up one is a degrade to the other one….Oo La La….that’s a diplomatic say hinting towards her love for sex and food, hai na? So on to you peeps, what do you have to say over her view on sex and food? Open up in the comments and stay tuned for your next update, right here, right now!
