BCAA Negative Effects Dangers You Should Be Aware Of!

  • 10 years ago

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Today I'm going to share with you the leading BCAA negative effects as well as what it’s used for. There is something called amino acids that the body needs in order to build and repair organs, tissues, muscles, hair and even nails. Some of these amino acids you can actually create in the human body and there are some that you can't.

The amino acids that you can't create are called essential and you have to get them through food. There are around 9 or 10 of them. BCAA are the essential amino acids L-Leucine, L-Valine and L-Isoleucine.

They are used to prevent muscle breakdown and improve a person's fitness goals. These essential amino acids are frequently sold as a dietary supplement and there are some risks with taking them.

One of the largest dangers has to do with negative interactions between supplements and prescription drugs. This is why if you're taking any prescription drug it best to let a qualified physician know what you're doing. They probably will not object to it, but it's best to be safe.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not take this supplement. Not enough is known about these amino acids when it comes to interacting with a developing human being. Of course one supplement a pregnant woman really should take is a multivitamin.

If someone has a specific medical condition they also should be caution of this supplement. Someone with chronic alcoholism shouldn't take BCAA because it can really damage the liver and the brain. If someone has branched-chain ketoaciduria also known as maple syrup urine disease they shouldn't take this supplement. Can you guess why the disease is called maple syrup urine? It's because a person's urine smells like maple syrup.

Another disease that doesn't match well with this dietary supplement is ALS or Lur Gehrig's Disease. Lou Gehrig was a famous American Baseball player that helped get ALS really well known. BCAA can increase the chance of lung failure and as well as dying in patients diagnosed with ALS.

An additional danger with BCAA along with any dietary supplement is that your body may just not like it. There is a small chance a person could experience an upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea and an allergic reaction.

To sum everything up the leading BCAA negative effects is that it negatively interacts with prescription drugs. They shouldn't be taken if someone is pregnant, breastfeeding, about to have surgery, have the ailments ALS, maple syrup urine disease or have chronic alcoholism. A person could experience an upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, an allergic reaction, fatigue and a loss of coordination.

Supplements and alternative medicine can be confusing and even harmful. Make things really simple and give your body a HUGE edge by viewing a free video guide I created at http://utahtexans.com/.