Fact 2 Magic Formula To Becoming An Authority

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http://blog.ericboukaram.com/fact-2-magic-formula-becoming-authority/ To read the rest of the article and better understand the concept or to read other tips and tricks that will allow you to have a lasting success.
The idea shared in this video is rather simple. But it’s in its simplicity that resides its complexity. Because often times when a idea seem simple it’s when we do not act on it. However acting on this idea and arming yourself with a bit of patience can make a huge difference. To summarize the Magic Formula To Build Your Authority: Learn, Do, Teach. Once again the rest of the article is here: http://blog.ericboukaram.com/fact-2-magic-formula-becoming-authority/
If you want to share the video here is the direct link: http://youtu.be/P0jfTgK_efo
