Short Stack - Volume 5

  • 10 years ago
Short (2000 - 2006) 92 minutes ~ Color

Experiencing Raju ~ Comedy (2000) 19 Minutes: A Comedy about looking for Enlightenment in all the wrong places.

Director: Randy Carter

Writers: Bryan Beasley, Steve Leake

Stars: Ahmad Enani, Robert Peters and Nicole Hawkyard

I Did Not Expect You ~ Drama (2006) 19 Minutes: Christiano has his love's birthday all planned out, but he didn't expect this.

Director: Barbara Rossi Prudente

Writer: Barbara Rossi Prudente

Stars: Rosaria Buonocore, Luigi Maria Burruano and Michelangelo Dalisi

Smashing Stereotypes ~ Comedy / Drama (2005) 23 Minutes: A few days in the life of an Asian actor struggling to move beyond "Asian" roles.

Director: Kitty Kavey

Writer: David Mulligan

Stars: Josiah D. Lee, Gabriel Ahn and Rhonda Marie Alston

House Of The Rising Sun ~ Horror (2006) 22 Minutes: Jake Trilleau is coming home to confront his Family, his hometown, and the ugly truth of his sister's death.

Director: Bill Balas

Writer: Bill Balas

Stars: Richard Gunn, Marshall R. Teague and Aimee Victorson

Reunion ~ Drama (2005) 9 Minutes: Since age seven, John Roberts has been tracking the monster who killed his mother. As his search ends, John may realize he is the real monster.

Director: Bill Balas

Writer: Bill Balas

Stars: Richard Gunn, Michael 'Mick' Harrity and Nicole Dolci