• 10 years ago
Short (2005 - 2006) 92 minutes ~ Color

Across The Bridge ~ Comedy (2005) 35 Minutes: What happens when you are forced to bomb your wife's homeland? One man develops a crippling fear of bridges.

Director: Denis Cviticanin

Writer: Denis Cviticanin

Stars: Luka Cosovic, Ana Mirkovic and Ivan Rados

Left For Shadows ~ Drama (2006) 24 Minutes: The life of Michael Haines is shattered on the night of his wife's murder.

Director: Brian Kotowski

Writer: Brian Kotowski

Stars: Kelly Cross, Geno Giordan and Daniel Le

The Big Break ~ Comedy (2005) 8 Minutes: She's trying to sleep her way to the top; he's a hit man with the same mark...this could get messy.

Director: Matthew Hals

Writers: Matthew Hals, Luca Costa

Stars: Luca Costa, Pia Shah and Colin Stuart

The Road That Binds Us ~ Comedy (2005) 39 Minutes: In a small town, life is the road between home and the ice cream store.

Director: Mikil Lee Rullman

Writer: Mikil Lee Rullman

Stars: Jason Coleman, Devin Douglas Drewitz and Mackenzie Gray