Web News - Web users pay tribute to MH17 victims

  • 10 years ago
In this edition: web users pay tribute to victims of flight MH17, shot down over Ukraine : a US internet provider incurs the web’s wrath ; and a video condenses an 8,200 km flight into just 83 seconds.
#PrayForMH17 is the hashtag being used by thousands of web users worldwide to share their emotion following the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, shot out of the Ukrainian sky on Thursday. These key words are employed to pay a final tribute to the 298 passengers and crew members and to offer condolences to the families of those who lost their lives.
But while most of the net is in mourning, some social network users are expressing anger over the tragedy. This is the case of the authors of these messages published on Twitter, who believe that passengers on board MH17 were innocent victims in a conflict that did not concern them. Web users are urging the international community to shed light on this catastrophe, so that justice can be served.
While awaiting the arrival at the crash site of international observers, tasked with identifying the perpetrators, local inhabitants and journalists have begun posting pictures online showing debris of the aircraft scattered around the area. Their images give an idea as to the magnitude of the disaster and are sure to be scrutinised closely by investigators in order to determine the reasons for the crash.
Journalist Ryan Block simply wanted to cancel his internet subscription with American internet provider, Comcast, but this seemingly simple task swiftly turned into an uphill struggle, requiring a twenty minute discussion with a call centre agent. Block decided to share his experience online by posting this recording of his ... Go on reading on our web site.
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