BESETO Express Ep16

  • 10 years ago
Hair ornaments
90% of beauty depends on the hairstyle.
This means that, regardless of the East or West, past of present, a standard of judging whether one is beautiful or ugly is in one's hairstyle.
Man's on-going interest on their hair have been expressed by various types of hairstyles and hair accessories.
Hairstyles of the 3 Beseto countries have been changing with history...
China...which had developed numerous different types of hairstyles as varied as the variety of their people...
Various styles of hair can be found even in the oldest records of history - like the 'Gapgolmunja' ...
There were years when one's fingers were the only means to brush your hair...
But Japan developed their own unique styles of hair with influences from advanced cultures...
Traditional hairstyles of Japan emphasize formality.
Korean hairstyles with graceful beauty...
The hair was thought of as a part of one's body, and therefore was not cut or treated carelessly.
Let's find out about the different hairstyles and hair accessories of the 3 Beseto countries...


