10 Tips for Truck Drivers on Using Mobile Phones Safely

  • 10 years ago

Following these guidelines can help you dramatically reduce the potential risks involved in using a mobile on the road.

1. Use hands free

In Australia, the only legal way to use a mobile phone while driving is handsfree. Handsfree kits can be fixed in your truck or portable and you should check your handsfree is working before you set out on your trip.

2. Screen your calls

Although there is some research to suggest that truck and bus drivers can actually benefit from having conversations with friends or family on the phone while driving, it’s generally better to make calls while you’re safely parked. If a call comes through that you don’t really need to take, let it go to voicemail and call back later.

3. Plan call time

If you need to make calls, try to plan your trip so you can do most of them when you’re safely parked.

4. Park safely

If you have to pull over to take or make a call, make sure you’re parked safely and your rig won’t create a hazard for others on the road.

5. Let people know you’re driving

Starting a conversation by letting the other person know you’re driving is a good idea because it reminds you that driving is your number one priority and lets them know that you could be distracted or slower to respond than normal.

6. Always keep your eyes on the road

Not only is it illegal to read or send SMS, take notes or look up phone numbers while driving, activities like this actually make you 163 times more likely to have an accident. Telling your friends and family not to SMS you while you’re driving can help you avoid the temptation to check your messages and using a directory service to be connected to phone numbers is also a good idea.

7. Don’t talk and drive in bad conditions

Some driving conditions like heavy traffic, bad weather or poor roads require more of your attention so avoid talking on the phone in situations like these. Let your calls go to voicemail or pull over safely if you have to return a call urgently.

8. Avoid difficult conversations

Just as some driving conditions require more of your attention, so do certain types of calls. Conversations that are complex require a lot of concentration or are emotional should be avoided while you’re driving.

9. Let your phone make it easier

Read through your phone’s instruction manual to discover how to use inbuilt features like voice activated dialling, automatic answering, speed dial and redial that allow you to keep your eyes on the road more. Plus, if you need to stay up to date with SMS and email while you’re driving, consider an app like drivesafe.ly which can read your text messages and emails aloud in real time.

10.Call in emergency

In Australia, both 000 and 112 are free calls to emergency services so reporting road hazards, medical emergencies and accidents is easy on your mobile. Following these simple tips can help you use your mobile safely while driving.
