Homeland Security Secretary: "We intend to send you back"

  • 10 years ago

Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson visited a temporary facility for detained migrants on Friday (July 11) in Artesia, New Mexico, where he says the migrants will remain until they are deported back to their home countries.

"Our message is clear. If you come to this country illegally into the Rio Grande Valley sector, we intend to send you back consistent with our laws and we are building additional capability to do that quicker and safely," Johnson told reporters outside the facility.

The U.S. is facing an immigration crisis with thousands of Central American children who migrated illegally into the country at the southwest U.S. border and unaccompanied by adults.

The Obama administration put forward this week a request for emergency funding of $3.7 billion to address the issue.

In a letter to congressional leaders last week, President Obama proposed giving the Department of Homeland Security additional authority t