• il y a 11 ans
Bonus #3.2 from the ITW conducted by Intruders TV with english producer, Perseus Traxx
http://intruders.tv/en-music/2014/03/05/perseustraxx/ to watch other videos of the series
/ follow us: https://www.facebook.com/intruderstv ////// https://twitter.com/Intruders_TV
https://www.facebook.com/perseus.traxx ////// https://twitter.com/PerseusTraxx
Production Unit:
Lanto Ratsimbazafy (interviewer/producer)
+ Guillaume Nv Sigfried (production assistant)
blog: http://weareintruders.tv/

/ Special Thanks to DJ TLR @Creme Organization
+ Rihab, Julie and Sam @ Le Batofar
for hosting while the Creme label night in Paris
https://www.facebook.com/cremeorganization ////// https://twitter.com/cremeo
https://www.facebook.com/Batofar ////// https://twitter.com/Batofar


