An animated look at Sophos Mobile Control
T: 01482 210999
Genesis Business Systems, Goulton Street, Hull
Mobile devices are like rabbits: tiny, cute and rapidly multiplying. This means much of your day is spent provisioning, securing, locating, managing and updating these devices. With Sophos Mobile Control—the Sophos Enterprise Mobility Management solution—we give you the ability to manage countless devices with a single solution. Now you’ll finally have the time to address all of those requests that were never in your job description.
Genesis Business Systems, Goulton Street, Hull
Mobile devices are like rabbits: tiny, cute and rapidly multiplying. This means much of your day is spent provisioning, securing, locating, managing and updating these devices. With Sophos Mobile Control—the Sophos Enterprise Mobility Management solution—we give you the ability to manage countless devices with a single solution. Now you’ll finally have the time to address all of those requests that were never in your job description.