[FREE eBook] God for Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Lent and Easter by Greg Pennoyer

  • 10 years ago
Download link: http://justamazinglife.com/god-for-us-rediscovering-the-meaning-of-lent-and-easter-by-greg-pennoyer-pdf/

God for Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Lent and Easter by Greg Pennoyer [PDF]

God For Us explores the meaning of Lent, its importance in spiritual formation, its significance in preparation for Easter, and the holy season of Easter itself.

God For Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Lent and Easter features reflections by Scott Cairns, Kathleen Norris, Richard Rohr, Ronald Rolheiser, OMI, James Schaap, Luci Shaw, Beth Bevis, and Lauren F. Winner. By delving deeply into the Christian tradition they reveal what one theologian has called the “bright sadness” of Lent—that it is not about becoming lost in feelings of brokenness, but about cleansing the palate so that we can taste life more fully. Lent and Easter reveal the God who is for us in all of life—for our liberation, for our healing, for our wholeness. Lent and Easter remind us that even in death there can be found resurrection.
