Basic Arabic Qaida Lesson No# 2 In English Language (Norani Qaida)

  • 10 years ago
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Quran is the Divine word and within it carries the secrets of both this world and the world hereafter. For a Muslim it is mandatory as well as a moral obligation to learn Quran so that he or she is able to understand the instructions of God and live life accordingly. One must take some time out of daily life to learn this Holy Book. At EQuranic Academy we cordially welcome you to initiate this noble deed and see it fulfilled in the best way possible with our "Online Quran Tutor" program. The program contains:

An introductory course regarding the principles involved in reading of Quran
Assistance in Quran recitation and translation
Lectures on the basic Ideology of Islam and the matters concerning daily life
Quran Memorization assistance......

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