Give us change, not rock songs, say Indonesia's young voters

  • 10 years ago
A two finger salute -- Indonesia style.

It's a simple sign to make cool the number two -- the spot where presidential candidate Jokowi Widodo's name appears on the election ballot.

Widodo's only rival Prabowo Subianto, who is at the top of the ballot, has also jumped on the bandwagon.

He's backed by rock star Ahmad Dhani, in a nationalistic song to drum up support.

Besides rock songs, both teams are blitzing social media to get young people involved.

The race between Widodo and Subianto is razor close making the youth vote all the more important. But not everyone is easily swayed.


"Like rock stars or just saying that we have to be nationalistic it doesn't gain our vote, it's saying that we are not smart enough to actually calculate the programme (offered by the presidential candidates). It's saying that like our whole education doesn't matter. I think that it's time for t