"We do not lose a generation of young people"- Pope Francis

  • 10 years ago

STORY: Pope Francis travelled to Molise on Saturday (July 5) for a packed pastoral visit where tens of thousands of visitors were eagerly waiting to see the Pontiff.

Unemployment is chronically high in the agricultural region in the heart of southern Italy, and Francis decided to address the issue of youth unemployment when he met thousands of young people in the forecourt of the Shrine of Castelpetroso.

Turning away from his prepared text, the Pope spoke out about the desperate need to create jobs for young people.

"This is the challenge that, as a community we all need to win. We cannot become resigned to losing a whole generation of young people who do not have the strong dignity of work," said the Pope.

"Working gives us dignity and we all we have to do everything possible so we do not lose a generation of young people," he concluded.

Italy's unemployment rate is about 12.6, with national youth unemployment at