• 10 years ago
In this video you can learn how to make a baby healing cream.

The ingredients are:

- Olive oil: 60 ml
- Yellow beeswax: 5 grams
- Limewater: 60 ml

Before you start it’s important to clean everything you use. Disinfect everything you use with 70% alcohol. For all the recipes  it’s important to use a digital precision scale.

For this recipe you need:

- Two stainless steel containers
- Two pans
- A whisk
- One flacon
- A plastic spatula

Take the olive oil and the yellow beeswax into the stainless steel bowl. Take the limewater into another bowl. Take both water bowls into a hot water pan. When the oils are melted and the water bowl starts to boil you can move them off the fire and you can add the limewater to the oil part. Mix it energetically with a whisk and continue to mix it until it’s ready. Put the bowl in the cold water bath to cool it down quickly. Don’t stop mixing. When you mixed it until its thick enough you can put in into a flacon and your baby healing cream is ready.

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