Tossed Cigarette Falls Back in Car, Causes Fire

  • 10 years ago
A cigarette that had been tossed out a car window, came right back into the vehicle and started a fire. The driver, identified as Travis Paul Smith had been cruising down the streets near Prices Corner, Delaware when he reportedly threw the lit cigarette out the window of his red Chevrolet Monte Carlo.

Many drivers don't think twice about tossing a lit cigarette from the car.

A cigarette that had been tossed out a car window, came right back into the vehicle and started a fire. The driver, identified as Travis Paul Smith had been cruising down the streets near Prices Corner, Delaware when he reportedly threw the lit cigarette out the window of his red Chevrolet Monte Carlo.

Somehow the butt was blown back into the vehicle and it ignited the car’s interior. It didn’t take long for large flames to emerge from the vehicle.

Joe Sarasinko and his girlfriend were driving behind Smith and witnessed the terrifying ordeal. Reflecting on the incident, Sarasinko remarked “He was driving and the car just went up. It was literally engulfed in flames within minutes.”

Smith drove off the roadway and finally came to a stop in a grassy ravine.Sarasinko pulled over to help as did another Good Samaritan, Fernando Escobar, who pulled Smith ‘legs first’ out of the burning auto.

Other bystanders helped by pouring water on him, as his clothes were on fire. 49-year-old Smith was left with severe burns. After emergency crews arrived, he was transported to the hospital where his condition was listed as stable.

The cause of the fire has been deemed accidental.


