The forest and Animal Shelter in Złotówek. Poland. June 2014.

  • 10 years ago
The forest and Animal Shelter in Złotowek. Poland. June 2014. Currently there are numerous deer species (including 2 adult stags), a stork, an ostrich, goats and dogs (that are trained in finding and leading to hurt animals in the forest). The ostrich is always curious of visitors. The stork has only one wing. One younger stag (also in this video and one deer are eager to come to the fence (I will upload another video with those in the future) and take grass from visitors. Rest of the animals observe people from the distance. There is another part of the facility where many wild boars (including many young ones) are kept. They too are interested in visitors and will gladly eat food that people throw at them.
I encourage anyone who can, to visit places like that. It is a heartwarming experience that teaches us to respect life. :)


