Altaf Hussain Congratulates Muslims In Pakistan And Across The Globe On The Arrival Of Ramazan

  • 10 years ago
The Founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has congratulated Muslims in Pakistan and across the globe on the arrival of Ramazan.
Mr. Hussain said, “ The month of the Ramazan is one of the greatest favours of Allah and it teaches us self-restraint and piety and enables a person to give up sinful ways. So we should thank Allah for His gifts and favours and build our society on the spirit of teachings of Ramazan.”
Mr. Hussain has appealed to people of the country to remember and share things with their brothers who are in adversities and try to help them according to their capacity because Allah blesses those who do charitable works. He blesses their businesses, health and livelihood.
Mr. Hussain prayed for the people of Pakistan and Muslims across the globe. He prayed to Allah to send His blessings on them and keep problems, difficulties and natural disasters away from them. He especially prayed to Allah to give armed forced of Pakistan victory against terrorists. He prayed for the success of Operation Zarb-e-Azab and elimination of terrorists and extremists. He prayed for the deliverance of oppressed and depraved people from evil forces by the blessings of the holy month of Ramazan. Ameen


