• il y a 11 ans
Lost in Europe raconte l'histoire de deux meilleurs amis qui ne se sont jamais vus en vrai, Clara (une geek française) et Dejan (un croate cynique et handicapé). Pour remporter un voyage dans l’espace, ils doivent retrouver les pièces d’un puzzle disséminées dans les 28 pays de l’Union européenne.

Two best friends who have never met in person , Clara (a French nerd) and Dejan (a cynical and disabled Croatian), decide to travel through 28 EU countries together in a van to make their dream come true: a journey into space. In fact, they’re on a treasure hunt of a European scale: the team that manages to collect the most coupons will win two tickets for an orbital journey. In the course of their travel, in each episode, hitchhikers from many nationalities will join them and spice up the adventure and answer the question, what if Europe could fit in a car?

