Bowel Obstruction Symptoms With 3 Unique Treatments To Help!

  • 10 years ago

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As you might be able to guess this health problem occurs when something blocks the small or large intestines. This blockage can be a result of a wide variety reasons including gallstones, swelling and even cancer.

Can you guess what the first sign of this ailment probably will be? Yep, stomach pain most likely will be the first thing someone notices as the body is telling them there is a problem. This pain could come in waves or be more constant.

With this discomfort a person probably will have a reduced appetite. Another sign that would naturally be caused by stomach problems would be feeling nauseous or wanting to vomit. There probably will be some constipation, but surprisingly diarrhea might take place.

The reason for the diarrhea is that the intestines might be partially blocked. The human body being the wonderful, smart invention it is might be trying to eliminate the blockage, through the diarrhea. Next up a person might have a fever, as well as a foul smelling breath.

Lastly there could be blood in the stools, as well as poop that is very thin. You might be thinking that these symptoms are a bad thing right? Nobody likes smelly breath or stomach pains. It is important to know that a lot of symptoms regarding health problems alerts you to the problem, which is a good thing. Plus the body tries to eliminate the problem through the symptoms. Think of a runny nose eliminating unwanted invaders with a cold.

You might be wondering when is the best time to see a doctor if you experience some of these symptoms. My thoughts are that the second you think you should see a doctor, it's best to do it. If it is something serious and you wait, you could just be making things worse.

Depending on how bad the obstruction is over time the body will fix this problem itself. One of the best remedies is actually what you eat on a daily basis. Your diet plays a huge role with not only digestion, but your overall health and this is good to keep in mind. Another idea is with dietary supplements.

One of the best supplements that you really should look into for digestion is prebiotics. You might think this stuff is in yogurt, but that is different and is called probiotics. Prebiotics is natural, while the stuff in yogurt is not. Also, prebiotics is around ten times better than probiotics and it helps grow good bacteria in your digestive system.

Another remedy is something called enzymes that help break down food. The problem is that more people are eating processed foods and cooking them, which destroys these enzymes. As a result of this a lot food enters our body and stays there much too long. This then puts a lot of pressure on the body.