Dunya News - PTI Protest against rigging

  • 10 years ago
Police once again stop Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) workers,who wanted to reach the Election Commission of Pakistan’s headquarters for their weekly protest against alleged rigging in last year’s elections, Abbtakk reported.
This is the third consecutive Friday that Islamabad’s administration has prevented PTI protesters from assembling at the venue.
PTI President Shah Mehmood Qurashi lead the rally as police closed the red zone while putting containers in the way of the PTI rally.
He further said that its is our democratic right and sabotaging the peaceful protest shows that the government is afraid of PTI’s movement against the rigged election. The party, according to him, has rejected the rigged election and will continue its struggle to expose the elements behind them. “Without drastic reform in the poll commission and electoral system, democracy has no future in the country

