Product Separator for Recovery of Packaged Contents and Reclaim of Packaging Materials.

  • 10 years ago - Dry material processing and packaging operations, led by proactive management, production, procurement, and sustainability personnel, have recognized the recovery of process materials and packaging, that were once considered loss or waste, is a key principle in achieving overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). The NBE line of ProductSaver dry product and packaging recovery systems can integrate to legacy processing or packaging operations to automatically reclaim off-spec, mis-labeled, unsafe, overrun, or otherwise unsalable, production. NBE ProductSaver product separator systems for recovery and reclamation of packaged contents and packaging materials will immediately contribute to reducing process-wide material loss, while also improving labor efficiency, and providing positive data for supporting OEE and sustainability scoring initiatives. ProductSaver systems have integrated dust collection and filtration systems to help prevent the release of nuisance dusts that can often migrate into surrounding work areas. NBE ProductSaver systems can also function as portable units to address material loss or packaging waste situations on a periodic basis. Material loss reduction is no longer an issue exclusive to just those processing operations handling controlled or sensitive materials, or to those precision-metered, upstream dispensing operations; ProductSaver product separator systems bring product recovery and reclaim capabilities to processing and production operations across a variety of industries, including: food, pharmaceutical, petfood, ingredient, chemical, and nutraceuticals.
