[FREE eBook] The Hunt: Target, Track, and Attain Your Goals by David Farbman

  • 10 years ago
Download link: http://justamazinglife.com/the-hunt-target-track-and-attain-your-goals-by-david-farbman-pdf/

The Hunt: Target, Track, and Attain Your Goals by David Farbman [PDF]

Do you consider yourself a hunter? If you have you ever dated, played sports, or held a job, then your answer should be yes. We are always hunting—trying to track down and take the things we want, the things that will make our life bigger, better, safer; more satisfying, exciting, and just plain fun.

In The Hunt, serial entrepreneur, hunter, and OutdoorHub founder David Farbman offers a way of thinking about work, life, and our connection with the world based upon the ancient discipline of hunting. The Hunt will inspire anyone striving for more to think like hunters—with poise, concentration, and skill; to identify their targets; and, with focus, determination, and satisfaction, to achieve those goals.
