SCI-FI vs. SCIENCE! Conspiracy theory expert John Doe takes on CalTech Planetary Astronomer, Dr. Alexandra Lockwood in a battle of wits, knowledge and alien conspiracies. Subscribe --
Watch Alexandra debunk John Doe's greatest sci-fi and movie conspiracies with things like... facts, science and knowledge. Has John Doe met his match?... Or the love of his life? (in Keanu voice) Whoa.
Join Will McFadden, er-- "John Doe" each week as he investigates conspiracy theories surrounding the secret world of Hollywood. Watch him this week as he kicks in the door of the Lake House, takes the red pill and blows the lid off Keanu's hoax of being immortal. All in a day's work for Conspiracy expert, Jonathan Cornelius Doe.
"Conspiracy Cinema" uncovers the hidden messages, secret agendas and cover-ups that every cinephile needs to know about. Written, Produced & Directed by Travis Kurtz. Edited by Ivan Nemergut.
Do YOU have a conspiracy you would like Mr. Doe to investigate? Record your comment below... in code. Or just write it in plain English and maybe we'll do a future episode based on your idea (we'll mention you if we do!).
Is Harry Potter propaganda for the Church of Satan and a Wiccan tool for DEMONS to POSSESS YOUR SOUL?!
Watch Alexandra debunk John Doe's greatest sci-fi and movie conspiracies with things like... facts, science and knowledge. Has John Doe met his match?... Or the love of his life? (in Keanu voice) Whoa.
Join Will McFadden, er-- "John Doe" each week as he investigates conspiracy theories surrounding the secret world of Hollywood. Watch him this week as he kicks in the door of the Lake House, takes the red pill and blows the lid off Keanu's hoax of being immortal. All in a day's work for Conspiracy expert, Jonathan Cornelius Doe.
"Conspiracy Cinema" uncovers the hidden messages, secret agendas and cover-ups that every cinephile needs to know about. Written, Produced & Directed by Travis Kurtz. Edited by Ivan Nemergut.
Do YOU have a conspiracy you would like Mr. Doe to investigate? Record your comment below... in code. Or just write it in plain English and maybe we'll do a future episode based on your idea (we'll mention you if we do!).
Is Harry Potter propaganda for the Church of Satan and a Wiccan tool for DEMONS to POSSESS YOUR SOUL?!
Short film