• 11 years ago
It's a clash of opinions as devastating as space debris tearing through the Hubble Telescope! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Haven't seen it? Throwback Thursday your brain here with this trailer:

LOVE IT OR HATE IT? What did YOU think of Gravity and WHY? We want to hear YOUR reasons for why you agree or disagree with Gravity's 97% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Tell us know in the comments below!

Thanks to the guys for coming on the show and duking it out in our Debaters arena. Make sure to follow LaGarce on twitter:
LeGarce: https://twitter.com/elgarce

... And our host, Michael Truly:

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Ever feel like there's movies you love that other people hate? Or movies you hate that other people love? Here at Cinefix and all over the world of Youtube there are people who feel the same way... ALL THE TIME! So we bring you MASTER DEBATERS - a show where every viewpoint gets a voice. Each week two contestants must bring their A-game with clear reasons why they think a specific movie is amazing or terrible.
