We're wrapping up Superhero Week here at CineFix by watching the worst superhero movie we could get our hands on: Catwoman! Subscribe for more: http://goo.gl/9AGRm
Boy, there was some stiff competition to be the worst superhero movie, so we're accompanying it with a stiff drink! Today's stiff drink is a Black and White Manhattan, courtesy of Master Mixologist Nikki Sunseri. Nikki can show you how to make a black and white manhattan cocktail over at How To Drink on Tasted:
We're joined today by awesome comedian J.C. Coccoli (She's Pretty!): http://jccoccoliispretty.com/
Have you seen Catwoman? Do you wish you'd seen it while drinking a tasty black and white manhattan (of course you do!) Do you think it's the worst superhero movie ever, or would you like to nominate something else for that dubious honor? Let us know in the comments!
Catwoman: A shy woman, endowed with the speed, reflexes, and senses of a cat, walks a thin line between criminal and hero, even as a detective doggedly pursues her, fascinated by both of her personas.
What movie should we drink to next?
Movie Buzz aka Movie Drinking Games: We play drinking games while watching your favorite movies....'nuff said!
Boy, there was some stiff competition to be the worst superhero movie, so we're accompanying it with a stiff drink! Today's stiff drink is a Black and White Manhattan, courtesy of Master Mixologist Nikki Sunseri. Nikki can show you how to make a black and white manhattan cocktail over at How To Drink on Tasted:
We're joined today by awesome comedian J.C. Coccoli (She's Pretty!): http://jccoccoliispretty.com/
Have you seen Catwoman? Do you wish you'd seen it while drinking a tasty black and white manhattan (of course you do!) Do you think it's the worst superhero movie ever, or would you like to nominate something else for that dubious honor? Let us know in the comments!
Catwoman: A shy woman, endowed with the speed, reflexes, and senses of a cat, walks a thin line between criminal and hero, even as a detective doggedly pursues her, fascinated by both of her personas.
What movie should we drink to next?
Movie Buzz aka Movie Drinking Games: We play drinking games while watching your favorite movies....'nuff said!
Short film