Shahrukh Khan's Personal Secretary For Deepika Padukone !

  • 10 years ago
We all know what bond Deepika Padukone shares with her mentor Shah Rukh Khan. In fact, her loyalty got even more evident when she further gave up on an item number with Salman Khan, just to remain safe on SRK's side! And well, when Dippy baby is doing so much to win SRK's heart, how can our King Of Romance not trend his love onto this glam doll na? So here it is! Apart from launching her through big projects like Chennai Express and upcoming Happy New Year, SRK is now showering all his love and power to keep her safe off screen too! In the sense, Deepika was recently in a fix on not finding a trustworthy professional to be appointed as her personal secretary but in no time, SRK is believed to have instantly suggested a reliable secretary for this reigning queen... Now isn't that too sweet of him? Well, sound off your comments and stay tuned to Bollywood Uncut for more updates!

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