Obama in Europe: Ukraine to dominate visit

  • 10 years ago
US President Barack Obama has kicked off a three day visit to Europe in Warsaw with the announcement of a €735 million military investment on the continent.

He said the United States planned to send more military equipment into the region and rotate American troops.

Obama’s comments came shortly before a meeting with the leaders of several central and eastern European leaders.

The US president is not expected to meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at the D-Day commemorations later this week.

“I always had a business-like relationship with Mr. Putin, throughout this crisis I have talked to Mr Putin by phone, I’ve been very clear with him privately, about the same principles that I always had publicly. We are interested in good relations with Russia, we are not interested in threatening Russia,” said the US President.

Obama is expected to meet with Petro Poroshenko on Wednesday in a clear show of support for the Ukrainian President-elect.

“I’m absolutely sure that Crimea will be free very soon. Crimean Tatars, together with Ukrainians, will restore democracy and freedom in the region,” claimed Ukrainian President-elect Petro Poroshenko.

His comments came at a ceremony attended by US Secretary of State John Kerry in which the Crimean Tatar community leader Mustafa Dzhemilev was honoured with a new award at promoting democracy.


