What happens when a spirit drains all of the energy from your equipment twice? ... You roll old school using divining rods! ... This episode is truly amazing.
To learn more about this and other investigations, be sure to read the Amazon best seller: FAMILY SPIRITS - THE ADVENTURES AND EVIDENCE OF GALLO FAMILY GHOST HUNTERS BY BOBBY J. GALLO. Amazon rank #3 in the adventure/travel category... Also available at Barnes & Noble and www.FamilySpiritsBook.com
Official equipment supplier of Gallo Family Ghost Hunters: www.GhostGear.info
To learn more about this and other investigations, be sure to read the Amazon best seller: FAMILY SPIRITS - THE ADVENTURES AND EVIDENCE OF GALLO FAMILY GHOST HUNTERS BY BOBBY J. GALLO. Amazon rank #3 in the adventure/travel category... Also available at Barnes & Noble and www.FamilySpiritsBook.com
Official equipment supplier of Gallo Family Ghost Hunters: www.GhostGear.info