QAIDI NO 911 | Nanda | Sheikh Mukhtar

  • 10 years ago
Bieju was a big man with a big heart. When his little child was left motherless he gave all his affections to him. To make him divert the route of the car carrying the cash of the Company for which he was working. His child was kidnapped. For a moment Birjoo in his weakness fell into this trap and the cash he was carrying was looted but the robbers died in an accident when chased by the Police. The loot money was never found. Birjus child dies of shock of this bitter experience and Birju is sentenced to seven years jail. In the jail he comes in contact with the Superintendents child and all the affection of his hungry heart is transferred to this child. Shambhu is an evil man convicted for life. He escapes from jail carrying with him young GUDDU the Superintendents child. Birju pleads with the jailer for two days freedom from the jail to bring the child back. The jailer though broken heated sticks to his duty and refuses. What happens afterwards is a drama of terrific suspense with staggering emotional impact.

Director:Aspi Irani
Main Cast:Mehmood, Nanda, Sheikh Mukhtar, Daisy Irani, Honey Irani, Gajanan Jagirdar, Mukri, Minoo Mumtaz, Achala Sachdev, Tun Tun
Banner:Super Pictures