Shah Rukh Khan STEALS Salman Khan's Brand

  • 10 years ago
The infamous Khan rivalry is at its best, yet again! While recently we had reported that Salman has replaced Shah Rukh in Karan Johar's Shuddhi and has earned his brownie point, here comes an added thread by now bouncing the ball in SRK's court! Yes! As per reports, Salman was recently offered to endorse a certain Pan Masala brand but for the reasons unknown, our Dabbang star turned down the whopping offer to only land it on SRK's lap! Yes! Sources reveal that SRK was not quite keen on endorsing the brand but as soon as he smelled that Salman was being offered the same initially, he instantly stole the brand and fixed his deal at a price of 20crores! Now isn't that a perfect takkar to outdo Salman? Though we don't know how far does this report stand true but knowing that it's all about our Khan rivalry, well, we surely had our share of excite, how about you? Leave your opinion and stay tuned to Moviezadda!

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