• 11 years ago

►Live Life With Passion - Motivate yourself everyday

A lot of people have resigned themselves to living mundane lives void of passion and energy. They have settled in high paying but boring jobs that have nothing to do with what they really want to do in life. They settle into routines and never go out of their way to get more out of life.

That's not what life is supposed to be. After all, we only live once. Should we only live to work and survive? Or should we work so that we can live our lives freely?

You too can live a life full of passion. Here are some tips on how to transform your life and maximize your passion.

1. Discover your passion. You will not be able to live out your passion if you don't discover what it is first. Every person has an inner passion they are simply born to do. Some people are fortunate to find this passion early in life, while some spend half their lives searching for it. But discovering this passion, this calling, should be the most important goal in your life. This passion will give you direction and inspiration in life.

2. Seize every opportunity. If you want to live a passionate life, make a conscious decision to do so. A lot of people live boring lives simply because they refuse to seize the opportunities that come their way. There are many people who, when faced with the opportunity to travel or do something adventurous, immediately slink back from the opportunity. They may do so out of fear or out of the unwillingness to leave their comfort zones.

3. Change your perspective about life. Some people miss out on a lot in life because of the way they think. They think that life is about making money, so they work all the time without taking the time to smell the flowers. Some, on the other hand, think that they have plenty of time to pursue their passions when they are older; they focus their energy on other things first.

So if you want to live a passionate life that you can feel fulfilled about, you have to change the way you think about life.

4. Send the right messages. You can also train your mind to look or even crave for passion by sending subliminal messages to your subconscious mind. Sometimes, our conscious minds are constantly bombarded with our daily concerns and worries. This makes it hard for us to see life with passion - consciously. But do you know that the subconscious mind is more powerful? So when you tell your subconscious mind to seek passion, then it will, whether you know it or not, and whether your conscious mind agrees or not. Here are some subliminal messages you can use to train your mind to pursue a life of passion:

I thrive on adventure and passion.
I love doing what I am passionate about.
I enjoy pursuing my passion and interests.
I have a natural hunger for life.
I m a dream chaser
I follow my dreams
