Alexander's Ragtime - Spiegle Willcox

  • 17 years ago
In March 1988 my wife Ilse and I were invited for a visit to trombonist Spiegle Willcox and his daughter Cynthia at their house in Cincinnatus in N.Y. State. Of course a visit to Spiegle isn’t good without some music. The recordplayer had some connection problems. Immediately Cynthia went on her back on the floor and all was fixed in a few minutes. Spiegle put on a record and off we went. I hadn’t seen this video clip for more than 20 years, so it was quite exciting to see, just Spiegle and myself playing for a great audience, Cynthia and Ilse! (behind the camera) To think that this great trombonist and wonderful person played 60 years earlier with Bix Beiderbecke in the famous Jean Goldkette Band. Spiegle would turn 85 later that year