Commodity Robot Review Palladium Module

  • 10 years ago Commodity Robot Review Palladium Module - See A Review Of Commodity Robot Palladium Module

Commodity Robot Palladium Module - See A Review Of Commodity Robot Palladium Module

Palladium exhibits trading characteristics that are very similar to those of silver. In fact the level of volatility is very close for both.

The key words here are very close. There is a reason that this is the only palladium trading robot available and that is the palladium asset is very hard to trade successfully.

During the development of the Commodity Robot Palladium module the development team just about gave up on being able to make it work. The reason they persevered is that the market itself has had a major uptrend and makes trading Palladium worthwhile and they were eventually able to crack the Palladium trading code.

There are a lot of industrial uses of palladium. It is a primary component in catalytic converters, diabetic testing strips, air craft spark plugs, electrical contacts and much more. It has even been used in cold fusion experiments.

Palladium can also be produced through nuclear fusion and is often extracted from spent fuel rods although this source is not really used. The reason is that no nuclear reprocessing facilities are equipped to extract palladium from radioactive waste products.

Due to these inherent production problems and limited access to the commodity the overall long term trend is definitely up. This module took 2450 lines of code and the solutions to the Palladium problems made the Coffee and Copper modules possible.

The Commodity Robot team is one of the few to see the value in automating the trading of Palladium and although it is the least profitable of all the modules (4%-6% Per Month) it is still an addition to your robotic portfolio in Commodity Robot.

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