Fatherless Day Rally

  • 10 years ago
(321) 345-6007 media.relations@f4j.us

International Fatherless Day Rallies Friday the 13th, June 13, 2014

Fathers4Justice – May 05, 2014 - [Washington, DC] - All 50 United States Capitols and several countries to host the 7th Annual International Fatherless Day Rallies. This International event will allow people from all around the world and all walks of life to express their concerns for our children’s parental rights.

On Friday the 13th of June 2014 fathers, mothers, grandparents and children will again unite at their State Capitols from 12:00pm to 5:00pm demanding family law reform.

Family courts and the judiciary as a whole are causing millions of our children undue suffering as a result of rulings which result in one parent, usually the father, being cut out of their children’s lives. These actions against our children are nothing less than acts of child abuse, the results of which are now realized all around the world.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services statistics indicate that children from fatherless homes account for: 63% of youth suicides, 5 times the average. A full 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes, 32 times the average. 70% of juveniles in state operated institutions, 85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders and 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes. These statistics are just a sample of the adverse effects rulings made in so-called family courts are having on our children and our society as a whole. The bottom line will always be the same, our children need both of their fit and willing parents to share equally in their lives and no parent who is fit and willing should ever be put in a position where they have to fight to share equally in their own children’s lives.

Equally shared parenting for both fit and willing parents must be the default in all matters of divorce and separation. Judicial accountability for any and all members of the judiciary who do not adhere to these measures must become mandatory. The time for a change is now, united we the people of the world are demanding a change, no longer will we sit idly by while our children are willfully and deliberately abused by our own governments

Organizations around the world are supporting Fathers 4 Justice in this their 7th annual Fatherless Day Rally. For more information on how you too may participate in our campaign, Please contact Director of Media Relations at: media.relations@f4j.us or, you may contact our office at: info@f4j.us Our website can be found at: http://fathers4justice.org
