Slavyansk locals hope for peace

  • 10 years ago
Slavyansk wakes up to a new day – its people hoping for a lull in the fighting.

Ukraine’s interior minister said on Tuesday more than 30 separatists had been killed in fighting around the city, but there was no confirmation of that figure.

Rebels, who triggered fighting in the area on Monday by ambushing government troops, said four of their number had been killed.

The locals wait and hope.

Ella, a Slavyansk local, said: “All that’s left for us is hope – hope for God, for common sense, and kindness. Kindness is of course Russia. You know what we say: there is God in the skies and Russia on the ground. We will be together spiritually.”

The past few days have seen government forces press on with an offensive in the east of Ukraine where separatist rebels have so far held firm at their main outpost in Slavyansk.

The Ukraine crisis has led to a confrontation between Moscow and the West not seen since the darkest days of the Cold War.
