Angry residents in eastern Ukrainian village block government tanks

  • 10 years ago

Ukrainian troops landing helicopters and moving heavy military equipment in the eastern Ukrainian village of Andriivka faced off with angry residents on Friday (May 2).

As the troops landed helicopters in a field, villagers, some holding icons and depictions of religious figures, shouted and argued with troops in armored personnel carriers (APCs) and soldiers lined up alongside the road.

Ukrainian authorities launched a dawn operation on Friday in an attempt to retake the restive town of Slaviansk, where pro-Russian gunmen have been holed up in several public buildings since the beginning of last month.

Pro-Russian rebels shot down two Ukrainian helicopters on Friday, killing two crew, as troops tightened their siege of separatist-held Slaviansk and Moscow accused Kiev of launching a "criminal" assault that wrecked hopes of peace.

Though Ukrainian forces appeared to be carrying out one of their most concerted military oper