South Korean PM apologies to families of those missing in ferry disaster

  • 10 years ago
South Korean Prime Minister Chung Hong won has been visiting the families of the passengers still missing after a fatal ferry sinking.

More than 90 people remain unaccounted for.

The Sewol capsized two weeks ago en route from Incheon to Jeju killing as many as 300 people.

Prime Minster won, who resigned over the government’s handling of the disaster, offered an apology to the relatives: “I’d like to make an apology. I am here because it is right to explain the current situation to the families.”

Won will remain in his post until the search operation is complete.

As the hunt for the missing continues it has emerged that the owners of the ferry ignored warnings over the stability of the vessel after a recent refurbishment.

An off duty captain flagged up the concerns.

It has been revealed that the ferry left port carrying three times its maximum recommended cargo.

Investigators are now looking into the stability of the Sewol.

Fifteen crew members are in detention.


