Catastrophe (Part 2) - How the World Changed [Secrets of the Dead]

  • 10 years ago
(Basically all that's missing at the start is a recap of Part 1). The 535 AD change in climate is connected to such pivotal events as:

- The first outbreak of Bubonic Plague in 542 AD, which upon reaching Britain affected Celtic / Romano-Britons more than the Anglo-Saxon migrants, who were able to take over much of the country. King Arthur is supposed to have died during this period according to myth.

- The Avars surging from the eastern Steppes into the collapsing Roman Empire, already reeling from countless Germanic (& Hunnic) invasions. The Avars' history is tied to the Lombards who eventually overran Italy.

- A 30-year drought in the Teotihuacan region, resulting in the city being razed and abandoned by the end of the century.

- The centre of Arabian civilisation shifting from Yemen to Medina and Mecca. where Muhammad came to prominence importing/trading food, becoming a prophet by the early 600s.
