Bryan Singer child sex accuser sues 3 more Hollywood gay elites

  • 10 years ago
Last week, 31-year-old former child actor, Michael Egan III, filed a civil suit against X-Men director Bryan Singer. Egan accuses Singer of sexually assaulting him in the late 90's, when Egan was between the ages of 15 and 17.

Now, Egan and his lawyer, Jeff Herman, have filed similar lawsuits alleging molestation against three more Hollywood heavyweights, Garth Ancier, David Neuman, and Gary Goddard.

When Egan was 15, he moved onto the Encino California, M & C Estate, following promises of acting opportunities. But once on the estate, he was victimized by the under-age sex ring organized by then soon-to-be-convicted paedophile Marc Collins-Rector. Egan wasn't the only such victim on the Estate, and it was testimony from other victims that saw Collins-Rector put on the Florida Sex Offender Registry in 2004.

Egan's says he was abused by members of the sex ring, including Bryan Singer, Garth Ancier, David Neuman, and Gary Goddard. All the men also allegedly abused Egan in 1999, when Collins-Rector flew him to the Paul Mitchell estate in Kailua, Hawaii.

The civil suit has been filed in Hawaii because of a two year suspension of the statute of limitations on sex abuse cases in that state. The suspension runs out on Thursday.

In his court documents and in interviews, Egan described a pattern in which Collins-Rector would ply him with drugs and alcohol, then make him available for sex to the rich and powerful men who were in the sex ring.

At a press conference, Egan's mother tearfully described how she unsuccessfully tried to get the FBI to prosecute the crimes back in the year 2000. Meanwhile, attorneys for each of the accused Hollywood heavyweights have dismissed Egans claims as libelous and false.
