In my opinion the Grays Sports Almanac is : one of the most under rated film props of cinema history. When you actually think about Back to the Future 2 , most of the film was driven by that book. Marty doing that thing at Cafe 80s , and , recovering Jennifer from her future home were relatively quick and pointless events ; written to give Biff the opportunity to move the almanac , and , start the actual movie. First : Marty's purchase of the book showed a darker side to the character. Would Marty have turned out like Biff if : Doc had not found his almanac and shamed him out of his course of action? Speaking of Biff : the Biff of the almanac generated "dark" 1985 , shows how dangerous Biff can/could be. Demonstrating that Biff was more than just an annoyance and a bully , but , would be truly evil if empowered.
Short film